

Ending Teenage pregnancies and Child Marriages in Mayuge District

A Campaign to End Teenage Pregnancy   is taking place today at the District grounds which has been organised by HEROES an NGO based in Mayuge District.

Currently the NGO operates in  the Sub counties of Bukabooli,  Bukatube, Wairasa and Imanyiro  but there’s a possibility of covering the other remaining Sub counties.

This campaign is intended to end teenage pregnancy and child marriageswhich is high in the District at a rate of 27%

This campaign will run for the next 12 months.

Life Water International Launches a 5.3 billion shillings WASH Project 3

Life water international is launching project 3 activity program at kityerera sub county headquarters.

Following its commitment to a District wide WASH coverage and the continuing need, life water is launching its 3rd project targeting 4 parishes, 5 primary schools and 2 health centers in Kityerera sub county with an estimated population of 18,786. This project is to be implemented for the next 3 years.

 The Mayuge WASH Project 3 is expected to achieve the following first level outcomes, which will be measured weekly , monthly, quarterly and Bi annually monitoring:

Busakira Community Summit by Worldvision

Worldvision Uganda-Mayuge field office today organized a community summit in Busakira at the sub county headquarters.

The purpose of this summit was to select technical projects that will be implemented in Busakira starting October 2022, share child wellbeing priorities and vision with the wider community and finally share findings from data collected from the communities in Busakira using the problem tree analysis by the starter groups 

National oil palm project stakeholders workshop

There’s an ongoing National oil palm project stakeholders workshop taking place in the District council hall. The meeting was opened by Hon. Mere Egulwa- secretary for production who represented the District chairperson.

The workshop is aimed to gain an up-to-date understanding of oil palm activity progress in the District including opportunities and challenges facing oil palm actors regarding compliance with sustainability principles, as well as important issues relating to sustainable palm oil trading.

Community Health Training

The Chief Administrative Officer, Mr . Lukwago Anthony has met with community health extension workers (CHEWS) trainees , together with the Trainers from the Ministry of Health at SeavilleResort -Mayuge ,who are in a Health training which will be lasting for six months. It should be noted however , that the trainees are now in their second month of training bearing in mind that the last two months of their training period will be for field work.

Quarterly district coordination and Networking meeting

Quarterly district coordination and networking meeting with partners in development (NGOs) discussing the progress of their work. This meeting is taking place at Betty’s Guest house- Mayuge . The implementing partners present include; Worldvision uganda, Habitat for humanity, MUCOBADI, Tujje Ministries, Life water international, UDHA, Lively minds, ODUR foundation, community concerns uganda initiative, Heroes for gender transformation program, Ray of choice Africa, SOS, ICYD, SIU among others.


His Majesty William Gabula Nadiope IV, Isebantu Kyabazinga of Busoga  yesterday graced a graduation ceremony of Gabula Royal Foundation where about 6,000 youth have graduated in various business skills.

Speaking as Chief Guest at the graduation ceremony held at Mayuge district headquarter grounds, Kyabazinga was fascinated by the huge number of youth who were graduating.

Worldvision Uganda hands over project Assets to the District.

Worldvision Uganda is a Christian relief, development and advocacy non government organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Worldvision has been implementing the MANE project for the last 3years in the district. Following the National strategic growth plan and already established good relationship with the district, two long term programs have started in Kigandalo and Busakira sub counties.
