Joint monitoring of Bukabooli and Bukatube piped water systems

The joint monitoring of Bukabooli and Bukatube piped water systems by Worldvision, NWSC and the District Team took place today to provide an update to stakeholders on the progress of the piped water system and find a way forward to addressing the emerging issues.
World vision Mayuge under MANE project constructed the above water systems in order to contribute to increased access to safe water and sanitation in the different communities.
World vision Uganda signed a memorandum of understanding with NWSC to support the development of wage systems in areas of common interest and ensure effective management , functionality and expansion of the constructed water systems. The Bukabooli water system was handed over to NWSC for management and Bukatube will be equally handed over to NWSC upon completion.
The feedback and technical observation from the field visit included;
- [ ] The supply of tap water to the community has reduced the distance walked in search of water usually unsafe for consumption and hence reduction in water related diseases.
- [ ] The piped water system also came with construction of toilets which improved sanitation in schools and communities.
- [ ] People in the community are knowledgeable of the programs that are being implemented by world vision.
- [ ] Job opportunities have been created for sons of landlords ( those that offered the land that the pump stations are constructed).
However, there were also issues not going well in the community, for instance;
- [ ] The landlords were complaining about the constant water bills that are received from NWSC, although this was clarified by the area manager Mr.Mboowa James, that they should be forwarded to his office to be written off.
- [ ] Over charging of water was a concern in the community where those managing the water points (Psps) are charging 200 shillings per 20liter jerrycan instead of the standard fee of 50 shillings. NWSC officials agreed to engage with those managing the Psps on regulating the price.
- [ ] Also another issue that came up was that the people who offered land on which piped were laid are now coming up demanding compensation. The District leadership has therefore been tasked to handle this issue because world vision is a charitable organization that isn’t required to buy land. The political leadership has promised to discuss a way forward on this subject matter in the District Executive Committee tomorrow.
- [ ] Rationing of water is being done regularly affecting supply because the solar system installed on the pump station is unable to pump water to full capacity so NWSC intends to supplement on this using electricity to pump to full capacity which will be connected soon.
- [ ] Finally the public toilet that was constructed at Lwanika landing site has been closed since completion by contractor. However world vision will be handing over the toilet to the District who will hand it to the sub county so that it can be used by the community.