National oil palm project stakeholders workshop

There’s an ongoing National oil palm project stakeholders workshop taking place in the District council hall. The meeting was opened by Hon. Mere Egulwa- secretary for production who represented the District chairperson.
The workshop is aimed to gain an up-to-date understanding of oil palm activity progress in the District including opportunities and challenges facing oil palm actors regarding compliance with sustainability principles, as well as important issues relating to sustainable palm oil trading.
The NOPP focal person Mr. Lubandi Charles emphasized that this project is geared towards having sustainable oil palm plantation management that will improve the livelihood of the people in Mayuge District. He added that even those who will not benefit directly from oil palm will as well benefit from alternative enterprises.This workshop fronted an opportunity to present the profitability analysis of oil palm Trade and share experiences and lessons learned from the already established Kalangala and Buvuma Hub.
The Key stakeholders consisted of the District council and its Executive, Selected Heads of department & sectors, Oil palm growers association members as well security personnel.