

Friday, 18 February 2022 -- webmaster

The district monitoring team today visited Buyemba primary school in Wairasa sub county to assess classroom reality in rural government aided primary schools in the district as well as factors that hinder teachers’ and pupils capabilities. Issues unveiled included general poverty levels as parents ain’t able to feed their children while in school and the commuting distance between home and school is quite a hindrance .


Thursday, 30 September 2021 -- webmaster

The Official handover of Mpungwe seed school by Egiss Engineering Contractors to Mayuge District local government was done today. The function was officiated by the District chairperson Bishop Tibagendeka Frank after the thorough inspection of the Nineteen (19) buildings which included classroom blocks, laboratory, staff quarters,library and the sports ground among others. Those present included the technical staff, political leaders, religious leaders and a few community members who applauded the government for this development.

Physical planning sector

Thursday, 05 March 2020 -- webmaster

Mayuge district local government in its effort to promote orderly development in its upcoming centers embarked on carrying out a Physical Planning exercise in Musita town and Nango towns.


Monday, 06 May 2019 -- kakai-senior co...


The importance of statistics in informing planning and monitoring of government programmes cannot be over emphasised. We need to know where we are, determine where
we want to reach and also know whether we have reached there. The monitoring of socioeconomic progress is not possible without measuring how we progress and establishing
whether human, financial and other resources are being used efficiently.


Tuesday, 02 October 2018 -- kakai-senior co...


The Department of Natural Resources is comprised of the Forestry, Environment, and Lands sectors physical planning ,and surveying.


The Department has the following sources of funding

  •   Environment and Natural Resources grant
  •   Departmental Allocation (local Revenue and unconditional grant)


Natural Resources Office


Thursday, 27 September 2018 -- kakai-senior co...


The health sector is headed by the district director of health services supported by other staff e.g. there are assistant district health officer, district health inspector, drug inspector etc. there are three health sub district i.e. bunya east, bunya west and bunya south.


The overall mission of the department of health of mayuge district is “attainment of a good standard of health by its entire people in the district, in order to promote a healthy and productive life amongst them”.


Thursday, 27 September 2018 -- kakai-senior co...

Production office

·        Supervision of field activities and technical back stopping for service providers on technical audits of agricultural activities was carried out.

·        Annual and quarterly work plans and reports were developed and submitted to the ministry of agriculture, animal industry and fisheries and other relevant ministries and agencies.

·        Made consultative visits to the ministry headquarters and other institutions like research centers (NALIR, bugiZARDI, and naCCRI).


Mr. Eswilu Donath
Chief Administrative Officer
Bishop Tibagendenka Frank
District Chairperson
For inquiries, please
Call 0800 000 000

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Upcoming Events

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Rehabilitation of Bumwena -Namoni Road
Venue: Mayuge
Delivery of Drugs by NMS to the district
Venue: Mayuge District HQs
Time: All Day Event