STAND UP project for sexual reproductive health rights

There was a Global Affairs Canada Donor meeting and Field visit yesterday 27th June 2023 for the stand up for SRHR Mayuge project with Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) in partnership with Mayuge district local government through IPPF.
Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) through IPPF is implementing a 6.5yryr STAND UP for SRHR project funded by Global Affairs Canada through Oxfam Canada in a consortium of four partners; Oxfam Uganda, Femme fort, CEHURD and Makerere School of Public Health. The project goal is to increase enjoyment of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) by most marginalized and vulnerable rights-holders, particularly adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Uganda and Mozambique. IN Uganda, the project is implemented in West Nile and Busoga regions (Namayingo and Mayuge).
The program aims to build capacity of the service providers to enhance the competencies, confidence and proficiency in quality SRHR and Family Planning service provision in public facilities, RHU branches, the social franchise clinics and the RHU outreaches.
The project goal is to attain Increased enjoyment of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) by most marginalized and vulnerable rights-holders, particularly adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Uganda and Mozambique
The field visit involved meeting with peer Educators of Bunya secondary school which is affiliated to Femme Forte health club .then later had a meeting with project participants at Bukatuube HCIII and then also participated in an integrated youth trageted event that was aimed at reaching young people with SRHR services and information.
An integrated services package is offered including, Family planning, cervical cancer screening, Antenatal Care, immunization, HIV resting, STI screening, general medical consultation and treatment, syphilis testing. Youth targeted dialogues using the together we decided game and the talking cards.