Training District Team on National Gender based violence Data base

A One day training of the District team on National Gender-based violence Data base(NGBVD) has taken place today in the district board room organized by the National Population Council (NPC).
The National Population Council signed a memorandum of understanding with the Mayuge District, with the aim of offering support in data processes. The justification for National Gender based violence data is to ensure confidentiality, integrity and credibility of GBV/VAC data, address poor coordination of GBV service providers and therefore strengthen the coordination of all the service providers in GBV/VAC prevention and timely response through information sharing among others.
It should be noted that NGBVD data will be used for informing Policy/Planning, mobilizing resources ,Strengthening advocacy and Communication, Strengthening Networking ,Vulnerability assessment ,Support Supervision, Quality improvement and Performance Improvement.
During this meeting, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Muzige Paul commended NPC for their support and pledged total commitment to GBV data entry and warned the Community Development officers on under reporting on GBV cases and emphasized that they give priority to GBV/VAC cases as well as credible data entry.
On the issue of resource allocation / funding challenges for GBV/VAC related issues , the District Planner Baligeya Ronald promised to allocate funds to this activity citing that under reporting on GBV related cases may affect survivors in receiving the required services including legal, medical, economic among others.
In attendance were, selected heads of Department, paralegals, implementing partners, all community development officers para social workers, officials from Uganda bureau of statistics (UBOS)officials from Ministry of gender (MGLSD)and Consultants/ developers from NP