Site Handover Ceremony for the Dream school.

Today we had a Site Handover ceremony in Maumu Village-Busakira Sub county where Worldvision Uganda intends to build a Dream School.
The purpose of this Site Handover was to;
Introduce the contractors to the stakeholders and beneficiaries who will support the contractors during the construction process.
To show and handover to the contractors the site for the construction.
To inform the beneficiaries about the details of the works that will be executed and to orient the community and the contractors on child and adult safeguarding.
The overarching goal of this project is spiritual transformation and holistic wellbeing of 1000 children (600girls, 400boys) and their communities in Mayuge by 2024.
The Key activities to be implemented under this project include;
Construction of 7 classrooms, a staff room, office and store.
Construction of 5 stance drainable latrine for Girls and 5 stance drainable latrine for Boys.
Construction of 1 Block of 4 unit staff accommodation and 1 Block of 4 stances latrines for 4 teachers to attract competent teachers.
Construction of Kitchen block for cooking clean and nutritious school food.
Equip school with desks and teachers’ furniture to improve learning environment.
Support local church to extend after school spiritual nurture engagements with children.
Conduct ToTs for child spiritual nurture facilitators in schools using the empowered world view curriculum.
The Total value of the works is Ugx. 843,834,707.