Cocoa Growing in Mayuge District

With over 6,000 smallholder farmers and average acreage of 1.5, Mayuge District is one of the leading producers of Cocoa in Uganda and East Africa.
The District priotised the production of Cocoa due to the deep fertile soils and favourable weather conditions that support commercial production of the crop.
With support from Swisscontact, the District has continued to build the capacity of Cocoa farmers through the on farm delivery of Cocoa specific extension services championed by the district Cocoa focal point person; Emmanuel Kawuzi Waiswa.
Consequently, the District still in partnership with Swisscontact has organized a one day “Cocoa Field Day” on Thursday 22/09/2022,at Bukawongo Primary school with an aim to showcase some of the various interventions and basic agronomic practices along the Cocoa value chain.
The cocoa field day will bring together all cocoa buying and exporting companies ( ESCO UG LTD, KAIRÓS JP AGRO LTD, etc), Centenary bank, Uzima chicken agents, farmers and all market actors. Farmers will be treated to an action packed field experience punctuated with practical lessons on Cocoa pruning, Pests and Diseases identification and management, Harvesting, Pod breaking and recommended postharvest handling practices( fermentation etc) that directly contribute to increased cocoa production, productivity and quality.
The field day will also focus on showcasing basic agronomic practices on bananas as a strategic diversification option for food and income security among cocoa farmers.
The Senior Communications Officer; Mrs. Kakai Lukiah Nyende made an advance visit to Mzee Bukenya Alex, a cocoa farmer at Bukawongo village whose garden shall be used as a learning platform in the company of the District Cocoa focal point person; Kawuzi Waiswa Emmanuel.
It should be noted that the Cocoa field day is open to the general public and free of charge.