Ending violence against children
Tuesday, 08 February 2022

Violence against children (VAC) is a global public health concern and a violation of children's rights. VAC is a major risk factor for serious negative health and social outcomes. In Uganda, violence against children is highly prevalent .
There was a district leadership capacity strengthening workshop today to stop violence against children by Makerere university child health development center and ministry of health at continental hotel-Iganga. During the workshop, activities that are to be undertaken by the leaders potentially identified.
- Violence against children leadership should aim at strengthening system readiness to prevent and respond to violence against children and gender based violence cases.
- Strengthening institutional readiness to undertake prevention and support survivors.
- Provide adequate integration of access to sexual and reproductive health and rights in previous violence again children and sexual based violence interventions.
- To embrace violence against children and gender based violence responsive planning and budgeting and appreciate Gender based violence concepts , Gender based violence in Uganda and effects on society.
- Gain knowledge and skills to identify Gender based violence prevention and Response measures and review plans and budgets with a GBV responsive lense; and increase responsiveness and financing for GBV response and prevention within government programmes.