District summit

world vision Uganda with support from Taiwan, got a funding proposal for an area program to be implemented in kigandalo sub county for a minimum period of 12 years addressing child well being barriers in sectors of health, education, child protection, Resilience and livelihood within the above sub county but also implementing some district wide activities where need be. The program assessment and design started in October 2020 and is slated to end September 2021.
From the beginning of the assessment and design, world vision Uganda- Mayuge programmes have been engaging the communities of kigandalo in a number of consultations in order to come out with a design document that suits the needs and tackles the root causes of poverty in kigandalo sub county.
Based on the above a number of District stakeholders were invited for a consultative meeting to give their technical input to allow world vision provide the final document to Taiwan support office within the agreed period of time. This meeting is taking place at Zeu resort hotel- Mayuge and the participants include among others, Heads of departments, school management committees, sub county chiefs , community development officers, world vision staff, religious leaders, political leaders and area volunteers.
During this meeting, the heads of departments from Health, child protection, Resilience and livelihood made presentations citing the challenges experienced as well as way forward and recommendations that are to be incorporated world vision document.