District Entry meeting by USAID Uganda Health Activity

Earlier today, there was a District Entry meeting of USAID Uganda Health Activity to Mayuge District stakeholders, that was held at Zeu Resort Hotel.
The objectives of this meeting were; to introduce the 5year project to the District stakeholders & help them understand the scope of Uganda Health Activity, Outline the transition process from Rhites EC to Uganda health activity in the East-central region,identify the areas of syenergy and collaboration with district stakeholders for improved outcomes aimed at increasing the survival and wellbeing of vulnerable populations and improving the overall health system in priority areas.
In this meeting, it was revealed that Uganda Health Activity will achieve its purpose through three intermediate results which included:Improved access to and use of quality health services at the community and health facility levels.
Enhanced local ownership and leadership for sustainable health outcomes.This will be done by Training and equipping health sector managers as local resource mobilizers. Also by Mobilizing MPs to champion PHC and service delivery in their districts and communities
Strengthened health systems at the regional, district, facility, and community levels by Enhancing district health management and oversight capacity,Conducting a rapid, participatory self-assessment of health system capacity and Improving financial management by Supporting implementation of GOU program-based budgeting among others.
Health systems strengthening will will the area of concentration in Mayuge District however this will be done by consortium partners Like ;URC -Communication for Development Foundation Uganda ,Marie Stopes Uganda , Youth Alive, Elizabeth Gasler Pediatric AIDS foundation, Panagora Group, Fhi360. These partners will give prime, contextualized local solutions, core technical support as well as cross cutting support during implementation.
In attendance were, the District Vice Chairperson, the principal Chief Administrative Officer, Selected district councilors, all in-charges of health centers, selected heads of Department, implementing partners in Family health services, religious leaders and cultural leaders.The District Vice Chairperson Hon. Tasibula Peter commended USAID for choosing to work in Mayuge District and pledged full support to the project for the five years.