Data validation and Dissemination meeting by Worldvision Uganda

Worldvision Uganda today the 5th April 2023 held a Data validation and Dissemination meeting for Mpungwe Assessment and Design Project in the District Board room.
The meeting that was attended by all Heads of Department, District executive committee members, and sub county leadership of Mpungwe including their District councilors as well as PWDs representatives, was purportedly to get an in-depth understanding of the overall context of the proposed program operation area especially on child wellbeing, vulnerabilities, socio-economic and environmental factors that will inform discussions with the donor on whether to proceed with the program design.
During this meeting, assessment findings were disseminated where some of the key findings established that;
In Education- secondary data indicated that the sub county does not offer a conducive learning environment for children as per the existing education standards with a pupil to classroom ratio of 1:77, pupil to latrine ratio of 1:56.
Resilience and Livelihood-that there was serious food shortage in the program area .households engaged in commercial farming since 2017 is 30% hence 70%of the population is dependent on subsistence farming which explains the high levels of poverty in the proposed program area.
Health- assessment findings established that the sub county has got only two government aided health facilities at the level of HCII and that can not conduct deliveries and critical maternal care services.
The findings established that Mpungwe sub county is the most underserved sub county in Mayuge District and that all sectors indicate high levels of vulnerability with majority of the assessed sector indicators scoring below the District and the National averages from the analysis.
Based on those findings, therefore there’s need to consider key advocacy interventions that will bring about policy reforms and budget allocations for upgrading Mpungwe health and Education facilities, during the design phase.
It was at this point that the District Vice Chairperson Tasibula Peter Commended Worldvision Uganda for their continuous contribution to the development and improvement of service delivery in Mayuge District.