Capacity building workshop for District AIDS committee

Officials from Uganda AIDS Commission and Ministry of Health today facilitated a workshop for the District AIDS committee (DAC)in the district council hall. The purpose of this meeting was to orient DAC members on the National HIV and AIDS strategic plan(NSP-2) thematic areas as well as integration of Covid programming and HIV in the District key messages.
Uganda prioritizes control of HIV and AIDS within the 3rd National Resistance Movement manifesto 2016-2021 and the National Development Programme and other National and International commitments. The NSP 2020/21-2024/25 lays out strategies and actions to implement high impact evidence based interventions and innovations with program optimization. The plan builds on significant progress achieved during the past 5Years and responds to gaps identified in the previous plans.
HIV epidemic remains severe, generalized and heterogeneous across geographical, social-economic and demographic sub groups of the population. Therefore more effort will be needed to catch up and work towards the 2030 targets of ending AIDS by that year.
2021-2025 HIV/AIDS NSP objectives
- To reduce new HIV infections by 65% among adults and youth, paediatric new HIV infections to less than 5% by 2025.
- To reduce HIV related morbidity and mortality by 2025.
- To strengthen social and economic protection to reduce vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and mitigation of its impact on PLHIV, OVC, and other vulnerable groups.
- To strengthen the Multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS service delivery and coordination system that ensure sustainable access to efficient and quality services for all targeted populations.
- To strengthen the National HIV and AIDS strategic information management system for improved effectiveness and efficiency.