
Benchmarking on micro scale irrigation system

Yesterday a team of officers from production department set voyage for Tororo district on a benchmarking exercise on micro scale irrigation system. While in Tororo, the team visited Geno Family Farm in iyolwa sub county,where a solar powered irrigation system has been set up. This farm sits on 300 acres of land and is doing crop growing, piggery and animal fattening (Beef).It was revealed to us that even though the farm is surrounded by a river, it’s not reliable especially in dry season so a 70ft well was dug to ensure constant supply of water which costed the farmer around 3.5m . The team then visited Benedictine father’s Farm in Tororo municipal council which has an electric water pump system, and these ones grow high value crops like egg plants, tomatoes, carrots, onions and sukuma wiki which are highly productive considering they they have ready market from town. As we winded up the exercise, we paid courtesy visit to the chief administrative officer- Tororo Mr. Balaba Dunstan who was delightful for ou